How To Get On Spotify Playlists

Getting on a popular Spotify playlists can take your music career to the next level. Here's how to do it successfully for free.

How Hard Is It To Get On a Spotify Playlist?

Getting on a Spotify playlist will be hard, but it's not impossible. Here are some factors that Spotify curators typically consider when selecting tracks for their playlists:

  • Quality of the music: The most important factor is the quality of your music. Spotify curators are looking for well-produced, well-written, and well-performed tracks that will appeal to their listeners.
  • Genre and mood: Spotify playlists are usually organized by genre or mood, so it's important to make sure your music fits into a specific category. This will make it easier for curators to find your music and add it to relevant playlists.
  • Engagement: Engagement metrics such as number of streams, followers, saves, and shares can also influence whether your music is selected for a playlist. The more people are engaging with your music, the more likely it is to be picked up by curators.
  • Timing: Curators are often looking for new music to add to their playlists, so timing is crucial. You'll want to release your music when there is a high demand for new tracks, such as during festival seasons, or when there is a surge in interest in your genre.
  • Personal connections: Building personal connections with curators can also increase your chances of getting your music featured. You can reach out to them through social media, attend industry events or use third-party services that offer pitching services for Spotify playlists.

Can You Pay To Get on Spotify Playlists?

There are services that claim to help independent artists get on Spotify playlists for a fee.

However, it's important to note that paying for playlist placement is against Spotify's terms of service. In addition, there is no guarantee that paying for placement will result in significant streams or build a fanbase.

In fact, paying for playlist placement may do more harm than good. If Spotify detects that an artist has engaged in this kind of activity, they may remove the artist's music from the platform or penalize them in other ways.

It's important to focus on building your fanbase organically through promoting your music, engaging with your audience, and creating quality content. While it may take time and effort, building a genuine fanbase will lead to long-term success and sustainable growth.

How To Pitch To Spotify Playlists

Because there are so many independent artists submitting their music to Spotify playlists, you'll need to really standout. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Optimize your Spotify profile: Make sure your artist profile is complete and up-to-date with a professional bio, photos, and social media links. This will make it easier for curators to find and learn about you.
  • Submit your music to Spotify for Artists: Spotify offers a submission feature on Spotify for Artists that allows you to pitch your music directly to their editorial team.
  • Promote your music on social media: Use social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to promote your music to your followers and potential new listeners.
  • Network and collaborate with other artists: Collaborating with other artists in your genre can help expand your audience and reach, which can make your music more attractive to curators.
  • Use third-party services: There are several third-party services available, such as Playlist Push and SubmitHub, that can help you pitch your music to Spotify curators and other playlist editors.

Spotify Playlist Pitch Example

Not sure how to pitch a Spotify curator? Here's an example email you can send that can help you get noticed:

Dear [Curator Name],

I wanted to reach out and introduce myself as an independent artist who has recently released a new track that I believe would be a great fit for your playlist, [Playlist Name].

[Song Name] is a [Genre] track with [brief description of the track]. I think it would appeal to your listeners who are fans of [similar artists or songs already on the playlist].

My music has been well-received by my fans and I have been gaining traction on various social media platforms. I am constantly creating new music and striving to improve my craft.

I would be honored if you would consider adding [Song Name] to your playlist. I believe it would be a great addition and would help me reach a wider audience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,[Your Name]

Free Spotify Playlist Submission

There are many websites that claim to submit your music free to Spotify playlist curators, here are a few that have gotten good reviews.

  • Soundplate - This website allows you to submit your track to over 900 Spotify playlists for free. You can also filter the playlists by genre and mood.
  • Indiemono - This website offers a range of Spotify playlists for different genres and themes. You can submit your track for free and the curators will review it.
  • SubmitHub - This website allows you to submit your track to a range of blogs, YouTube channels, and Spotify playlists. While some curators charge a fee, many of the playlists are free to submit to.
  • Work Hard Playlist Hard - This website offers a range of Spotify playlists for different genres and themes. You can submit your track for free and the curators will review it.
  • Daily Playlists - This website offers a range of Spotify playlists for different genres and themes. You can submit your track for free and the curators will review it.

It's important to note that while these websites are free to use, there is no guarantee that your track will be selected for a playlist. However, submitting your track to multiple playlists can increase your chances of getting noticed by curators and reaching a wider audience.

Who Are Spotify Playlist Curators

Obviously, we can't provide specific names and emails of Spotify playlist curators. However, here are a few tips on how to find Spotify playlist curators and their contact information:

  • Search for Spotify playlists within your genre: You can use Spotify's search function to find playlists that feature similar music to your own. Once you find a playlist, you can click on the "About" section to see if the curator's contact information is listed.
  • Look for playlists on social media: Many Spotify playlist curators promote their playlists on social media, such as Twitter or Instagram. You can search for playlists within your genre and follow the curators to see if they provide contact information.
  • Use playlist submission websites: As I mentioned earlier, there are several free playlist submission websites that allow you to submit your music to curators. These websites often have contact information for the curators.
  • Attend industry events: Attending music industry events, such as conferences or festivals, can provide opportunities to meet and network with playlist curators in person.

It's important to keep in mind that playlist curators receive many pitches and may not be able to respond to all of them. When pitching your music, make sure to personalize your message, be polite and respectful, and provide relevant information about your music.

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